
Events of Rotaract Club of Presidency University 2022-2023 :

h1>“Children’s Day Celebration”:

Event Date/Day:

14th Nov , 2022


11:30am - 1:00pm

Club name:

Rotaract Club .


DSA Lawn


We Rotaract Club of Presidency University Whole Heartedly Celebrates Children’s Day by accompanying orphanage children to the Presidency university Campus. We celebrated this children’s day with the orphanage kids who don't have their own family, but a family made by themselves. Every child has the right to grow, study and become proud of what they are themselves. This year let's not just wish but celebrate with those children, a family with not the same blood, but the same feelings for each other. We welcomed them with a beautiful rose to each kid as the symbol of children’s day. So, we celebrated their children’s day by showing the special talents of the students of the presidency university to the children’s of the orphanage. We have come up with traditional dance following with speech, Dance, Singing and lot more. And even the children are not less than us even they have shown their own talents to us and the kids are very interactive with all of us and we all the Rotaract team are very happy by seeing the faces of the children. And we conducted musical chair and they felt very much happy .one of our club member dressed like a clown made some fun with kids not only the kids even we felt very happy .


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